
More Venetian impressions

Here are some more, rather random, impressions from our Venice trip. One of the many things I love about Italian culture is its eye for beauty. Even the typeface used on road signs is aesthetically pleasing.


Jewish Quarter

On our second day in Venice, having spotted the sign below, we ended up in Venice’s small Jewish quarter.

Thus we discovered a wonderful Jewish restaurant that we went back to later that night, but we also came across a small exhibition of Jewish art. The people staffing the place were quite happy for us to take photographs, so here are some examples:


Noting that we were taking a good look at the exhibits, one of the staff eventually approached us, and so we ended up getting some fascinating insights into their reading of certain biblical texts, especially from the book of Genesis.

Below are some examples of illustrations of the weekly Torah readings, designed to be used in the teaching of children:


All in all, the whole experience was an unexpected, delightful treat.